Sports Guards in Boston

Sports Guards Near You

Our dentist in Boston uses devices that cover the teeth and gums during athletic activities to avoid dental injuries and stress to the mouth, including the teeth, lips, and tongue.

sports guards in Boston

Sports guards in Boston effectively solve the following concerns:

  • Tooth Injuries – They aid in preventing teeth from chipping, splitting, or being knocked out due to an impact.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries – Guards prevent cuts, bruising, and other injuries to the lips, cheeks, and tongue.
  • Jaw Injuries – They can help lower the risk of impact-related jaw fractures and dislocations.

Process of Getting Sports Guards

  • Your dentist examines your dental health and discusses your athletic activity.
  • Dental imprints are taken to make a custom-fit sports guard.
  • Depending on your requirements, your dentist near you will choose the best material for the guard.
  • The bespoke guard is made and properly fitted to your teeth and bite.
  • Your dentist provides a secure and comfortable fit by making the required modifications.
  • You will receive instructions on how to use, care for, and maintain your sports guard.

Are you looking for Sports Guards?

Sports guards near you are an essential accessory for athletes of all ages and skill levels, as they greatly reduce the chance of oral injury. If you participate in sports, arrange a consultation with us to discuss receiving a custom-fitted sports guard that gives maximum protection and comfort, letting you enjoy your activities without stress.