Gum Grafting in Boston

Gum Grafting Near You

Gum grafting is a procedure that restores your gum line by attaching a tiny piece of tissue to the area of recession, covering the exposed root and stabilizing the gum. AlloDerm is a novel substance that allows dentists near you to avoid harvesting tissue from other areas of the mouth, such as the palate (or roof of the mouth). As a result, it can prevent the bleeding and discomfort associated with additional donor site surgery.

Schedule an appointment to see if your smile could benefit from the most recent advances in gum grafting near you. We are presently referring out for this surgery.

gum grafting in Boston

Who can opt for Gum Grafting?

Gum grafts are used to restore gum tissue that has receded from the teeth, revealing a substantial portion of the tooth root. Patients’ gums recede for a variety of reasons. Gum recession is most commonly caused by periodontal disease. Other factors include vigorous brushing, misaligned teeth, and severe clenching and grinding. Candidates for gum grafting in Boston are concerned about the appearance of their receded gum line and may be experiencing pain or sensitivity to hot or cold meals and beverages due to exposed tooth roots.

Choose Acro Dental Clinic for Gum Grafting

If you want to appear younger, feel better, and improve your dental health, schedule an appointment with one of our professional dentists and learn more about our safe, gentle, and cost-effective gum grafting treatments. Our dentist in Downtown Boston used cutting-edge technology and patient-centered approaches to reduce discomfort and optimize gain.