Dental Cleanings and Exams in Boston

Dental Cleanings and Exams Near You

Routine dental exams and cleanings in Boston are essential for ensuring your oral health in the future. Tiny food particles and bacteria accumulate on your teeth and gums as you eat and drink, demanding the skills of dental professionals such as the hygienists and dentist near you for comprehensive removal. Schedule your appointment today for a genuinely comprehensive dental cleaning experience!

dental cleanings and exams in Boston

Professional Dental Cleanings

Our dentist in Boston will handle your professional dental cleaning and will perform a comprehensive examination to ensure optimal oral health. During the cleaning and examination process, you will receive a number of critical treatments that are beneficial to your dental health, such as:

  • Plaque and Tartar Removal: Plaque is a tacky film generated by food particles and bacteria that can develop and attach to your teeth. If left untreated, it hardens into tartar, which must be professionally removed by our dental experts.
  • Polishing: After removing plaque and tartar, our expert dental hygienists will gently polish your teeth, removing any leftover plaque and stains and leaving your teeth smooth and clean.
  • Gum Health Evaluation: Following your dental cleaning, our dentist will thoroughly examine your gums for indicators of gum disease, such as redness, swelling, and gum recession. If any issues are discovered, our team will work with you to decide the best course of action.
  • Personal oral care guidance: Following your dental cleaning and exam, we will prepare a comprehensive home care plan suited particularly to your needs, providing you with guidance on how to maintain dental hygiene.

Cleaning your teeth

We recommend visiting our dental clinic every six months for thorough cleanings and examinations to maintain optimal oral health. Meanwhile, maintain a consistent dental hygiene practice that includes brushing twice daily and flossing at least once a day.

Regular dental cleanings in your area are critical for detecting potential oral health issues early on. Our dental exams and cleanings near you will examine your tongue, cheeks, neck, lips, and face for any strange bumps or sores that require additional evaluation. Don’t put off your dental cleaning; make an appointment with us today to prioritize your oral health! Don’t let dentist phobia keep you from putting your oral health first. Schedule your dental cleaning with us today, knowing that you’ll be treated with compassion by a dentist who specializes in anxiety patients.