Deep Scaling & Root Planing in Boston

Deep Scaling & Root Planing Near You

At Acro Dental Clinic, our dentist in Boston prioritizes your oral health with comprehensive and specialized dental services. Our deep scaling and root planing procedures are tailored to address gum disease and restore the health of your gums. If you’re experiencing symptoms of periodontal disease or have been diagnosed with gingivitis or early-stage periodontitis, our skilled dental team at Acro Dental Clinic is here to provide expert care through deep scaling and root planing in Boston.

deep scaling & root planing in Boston

When Are Deep Scaling and Root Planing Necessary?

  • Gingivitis: In the early stages of gum disease (gingivitis), plaque and tartar accumulate on the teeth and gums, leading to inflammation and bleeding. Deep scaling and root planing can effectively address gingivitis and prevent its progression to more severe stages.
  • Periodontitis: As gum disease progresses to periodontitis, pockets form between the teeth and gums, causing further inflammation and potential damage to the supporting structures. Scaling and root planing near you become crucial at this stage to remove accumulated bacteria and promote healing.
  • Chronic Bad Breath: Persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a sign of gum disease. Deep scaling and root planing help eliminate the bacteria causing the odour, restoring fresh breath.

Receding Gums: If your gums are receding, exposing the tooth roots, deep scaling, and root planing can help address the root cause of the issue and prevent further gum recession.

Restore Your Gum Health at Acro Dental Clinic

At Acro Dental Clinic, we are committed to restoring and maintaining the health of your gums through expert deep scaling and root planing procedures. If you’re experiencing symptoms of gum disease or have concerns about your gum health, schedule a consultation with our dentist near you. Trust Acro Dental Clinic to provide personalized and effective periodontal care, helping you achieve optimal oral health. Your journey to healthy gums and a confident smile begins at Acro Dental Clinic, where excellence in periodontal care is our standard.