The Best Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Teeth

the best vitamins and minerals for healthy teeth

Your body needs the right vitamins and minerals, in the right amounts, to support a strong body, and that includes a healthy mouth and teeth.

The best way to get these vital building blocks is through food, as this is the way that makes it easiest for your body to absorb them. Supplements are also a good option and are particularly helpful for people with weakened immune systems or certain kinds of medical conditions. Be sure to check with your dentist in Boston along with dental exams before starting supplements to make sure there aren’t any potential interactions with medications you may be taking.

So which vitamins and minerals are most important for the health of your teeth and gums? Read on to find out.


Calcium is crucial for good oral health since it’s a key nutrient for keeping bones (and teeth) strong. Foods that are high in calcium include milk, yogurt, cheese, okra, and sardines. Calcium supplements are also widely available and are included in many daily multivitamins.


Phosphorus is another essential mineral that builds strong teeth. Your body’s requirements for phosphorus will vary with age. Food sources include nuts, whole grains, chicken, and red meat.

Vitamin D

Many people get enough Vitamin D naturally from spending time in the sun, but it can also be found in foods such as meat, cereal, and fish. If you don’t spend much time outdoors, it’s a good idea to include a Vitamin D supplement in your health regimen.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays the important role of supporting tissue repair and regeneration. It promotes healthy gums and strengthens your mouth’s connective tissues. You can meet your body’s daily requirements for Vitamin C by eating citrus fruits or with a supplement in the morning after breakfast.

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